How to clean the oven correctly?

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Messy, complicated and greasy – these are the things that most commonly come to mind when it comes to the subject of oven cleaning. One of the kitchen utensils that is thought of least fondly when it comes to cleaning it. Often left for last and sometimes even ignored altogether (find out in the article why you should never do that!). But what if it didn’t have to be that way? While not entirely straightforward, the process can be simplified and made into a small cleaning routine, making it much simpler to deal with. Continue reading to get the best tips from cleaning experts to make your experience of getting rid of greasy build-ups in the oven, not only simple but also rewarding.

Firstly, and this is going to sound silly, but stay with me: why clean the oven? After all, one of the best ways to get yourself to do something is to have an excellent reason for doing so. Well, besides the immediate aesthetic displeasure an unclean oven is bound to provoke, there are some practical reasons as well:

  • Old food may get stuck to the walls, becoming a fire hazard over time.
  • The grime may serve to insulate the oven somewhat, making it less energy efficient.
  • It will take longer for your food to be ready.
  • The interior aroma is likely to alter your food’s taste or smell a bit, making it less appealing.

Yeesh. Let’s get to it, then, shall we?


1.Choose a preferred cleaning method.

Right off the bat, there’s a choice you make that is vital for the process: lemons, baking soda & vinegar, or a store-bought cleaning solution. Each of them has its use. The lemons, when combined with water, are used if there isn’t much build-up and your racks don’t require much scrubbing. Baking soda with water and vinegar will take considerably longer. Still, it’s an efficient DYI solution that can be used for ovens that need a more earnest clean-through. Finally, a store-bought solution is ideal for getting rid of both old, as well as fresh stains – but it can be damaging for your skin, so you have to be careful. If you don’t have the time, energy or equipment (more on that later) necessary to do an excellent job of it, you can always leave it up to the experts. There are oven cleaners in Glasgow that will be glad to help you for an affordable price – it’s best to do it once well, then risk wasting time and money first. You’ll be safe and enjoy the use of an entirely clean oven afterwards, with practically no effort on your side.

2.Prepare: empty the oven and clean out the more prominent bits.

You’ll need all the space you can get. Using either a cloth or a particular tool, brush off as much thick grime as you can – that will make the process easier, down the line. The caked-on parts will be dealt with later, focus now on the pieces you can get after applying a bit of force.

3.Clean it out

There’s nothing to it but to do it. If you chose an appropriate option, you should have an easier time and find the process more enjoyable. An oven cleaning service can be useful at this point. That’s particularly true if you find yourself lacking the necessary gloves, protective glasses or other equipment to simplify the process and make you safe. While somewhat costly, initially, picking the right professionals to do your oven cleaning will give you a great example to follow in the future. They will also typically be happy to answer questions you may have and set your oven up for a future of cleanliness.

We hope this helped!